Joo Im Kwahn
Jahng Nim Jack Harvey
Jack Harvey
has been actively involved with martial arts for the majority of
his life. He began his Kuk Sool training in Galesburg in 1974. He
opened the first Kuk Sool Won school in St. Charles, Missouri
in June 1991.
In his more
than 25 years as an instructor of Kuk Sool Won, Head Master Harvey has helped train
more than sixty students to black belt level.
Jack received promotion to fourth degree black belt (Instructor level)
in October 1996.
In October 2000, at Grandmaster's invitation, Jack went to
Korea as a member of an American demo team to participate in the
World Cultural Expo in Kyong-ju, where he was interviewed on Korean
In October of 2008
Master Harvey was awarded his sixth degree black belt thus earning the
title of: Joo Im Kwahn Jahng Nim (Head Master).
Head Master Harvey has been awarded
numerous awards and titles from the numerous tournaments and competitions he has been a participant.
Pyung Kwahn Jahng Nim Alesia (Lee) Harvey
Alesia Harvey started practicing martial arts in 1988 in Los Angeles. Master Lee
has attended classes and taught at Kuk Sool Won St. Louis since
August 1991 - two months after the school first opened.
Lee was awarded her her Fifth Degree at the Kuk Sool Won World Championships
in October 2008 earning the title of Pyung Kwahn Jahng Nim (Master).
Master Lee holds Grand Champion titles from Galesburg, San Francisco, St. Louis,
West Point Military Academy, and World Championship Kuk Sool Won tournaments.
The Harvey Family
Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey were married in April, 1994. Their son Sean Robert was born
January 17, 2000. Sean is following in the footsteps of his family by learning and practicing Kuk Sool Won.
Along with running schools, working, and raising a son. Head Master Jack and and Master Lee are instrumental in several
fund raising efforts. One of the more prominent fund raising events are the martial arts demonstrations in which
funds raised are dontated directly to local charitable organizations such as back stoppers. Another organization the
family and school are passionate about helping is the Salvation Army. Each holiday season the school adopts several
familes in need and donates toys and other items to help spread the spirit of helping others.
![Harvey family](images/master_family_web.jpg) |
Kuk Sool family portrait (left)
Master Harvey (center) with
wife, Lee, holding their son Sean. Far right is father-in-law
William Brooks, and standing is brother-in-law William Brooks